The Bach flower remedies are a gentle system of healing discovered in the 1930’s by Dr Edward Bach, a physician, bacteriologist, and homeopath. The remedies are produced using mother tinctures made from plants to Dr Bach’s instructions.

What to expect:
The first consultation takes about 45 minutes. You can discuss what is bothering you at the moment large or small. I will identify the remedies that can help you and make you up a remedy tailor made for you to take away.
This is holistic medicine its aim is to treat the whole person. Prevention is better than cure. Identifying stress before it takes hold will keep you healthy.
Bach Flower Remedies are particularly helpful when working with children and young adults.
Young people don’t always like the thought of going to ‘therapy’ , they would not always want to be seeing a therapist indefinitely. I have found that the Bach Remedies are a very good way of helping with all the usual and unusual growing problems, giving the client back their power.
Case study
A 13-year-old child that is worried about exams but cannot get motivated. I talked to the child alone. He was worried about his parents’ marriage break up and could not concentrate. I made a remedy of Hornbeam for not getting motivated, Red Chestnut for over concern for others, White chestnut for not being able to switch his mind off and clematis for concentration. He took the remedy 4 times a day as instructed he soon found he was not so preoccupied with the worries of home and was able to concentrate on his revision and did well in his exams.